Monday, March 24, 2014

Effects of Web 3.0 in the New Digital World""

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Web 1.0 was an early stage of the conceptual evolution of the World Wide Web, focused on how the user could connect to the web through the user interface. Web 2.0 emerged around 2004 and it mainly resided in the space interactivity and collaboration through social media. Web 2.0 has already peaked and has been attached to many sectors such as Mobile 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, and Office 2.0.

Through the evolution of smart phones and the ongoing improvement of technology, Web 3.0 offers more solutions for browsing and enables consumers to browse application data from anywhere in the world.

It started as a trend and is becoming an adopted standard. Capitalizing on Web 3.0 requires you to offer mobile experience to your end users and therefore enables you to communicate more effectively and reach your clients more easily. The long-term benefit of implementing a Web 3.0 strategy is improved intelligence and engagement with your customers

So let us summarize the evolution of Web through its various stages. The Internet has evolved from 1.0, 2.0 to 3.0. Web 1.0 was about web connectivity; the giants of that epoch catalyzed by Netscape were companies like AOL, Yahoo, and Google. Web 2.0 was social with Facebook, LinkedIn, Zynga, Twitter, and newcomer Quora as the foundational creators of the web’s ‘social layer.’ With Web 3.0, we are more looking into virtual world being created through the web such as online virtual shopping malls, and online virtual tradeshows. Interaction with our devices will reach a new level of intelligence when Web 3.0 allows us to ask our phones where a nearby movie theater is and where to go afterward for dinner. Eventually, as our devices learn more about our preferences (hole-in-the-wall joints versus chain restaurants), we can simply ask “where should I go for dinner” and you will get a response tailored to your interests.

Web 3.0 is all about personalization and the Semantic Web while integrating real-time data through different platforms. Semantic technology will create a meaningful format around human interaction online and human interests. This format will enable better online matchmaking and content distribution in addition to better control of online privacy through smarter distribution. Corning, a world leader in specialty glass and ceramics has created an awesome video that describes the future of technology. In this example, you will see the main platform is glass and how is personalized live data is being integrated everywhere you go. Watch “A Day Made of Glass” and take a look at Corning’s vision for the future with specialty glass at the heart of it.

Web 3.0 will be most beneficial to the marketers and the consumer. Since I am the CEO of a global digital marketing agency, Magic Logix, then I will focus more on the marketers' side. Marketers will have the ability to provide more efficient strategy through integrated intelligent data. Content will be presented to the user in the most relevant layer. For example, Demandbase is a Real-time Targeting and Personalization platform for B2B. Demandbase works by identifying the companies that visit a website, and then make that insight actionable in your existing Marketing and Sales programs and technologies. Real-time identification means you can make targeting decisions as well as personalize the content or web experience based on otherwise unavailable attributes of the visitor, such as specific company, company size, number of employees, industry, or 1st party and CRM based attributes such as existing customers, strategic accounts, pipeline status, or even competitors. There are several companies that are now offering services around Web 3.0. These services focus more into increasing Ad Relevance through intelligent data. There are several companies that provide data based on the content and structure of web pages for the purpose of improving the relevance and effectiveness of online display advertising. The source of these data comes from different channels including websites, social media, mobile, video, email, search, display, PPC, and PR.

It has been standard for us to work with several systems and sources when it comes into implementing a digital marketing strategy for clients. We have been developing integrated strategy between CMS (Content Management System) such as Drupal and Joomla, Marketing Automation Tools such as Marketo and Eloqua, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) such as Salesofrce and SugarCRM, Web Analytics such as Google Analytics and PPC such as Google Adwords.

Most companies and big enterprises these days depend more and more on big data. We in sales and marketing departments collect customer data at every touch point with the customer through different channels. These channels include phone conversations, filled-out forms online and offline, face-to-face conversations, and so on. All these data are stored at the end of the day on customer relationship management (CRM) tools. It is essential to have our past customers’, current customers’, and potential customers’ interaction histories in our CRM tool. Not using big data means a loss of buying opportunity. As you may know, digital information is increasing every day in huge numbers. The growth of this information is what big data all about. The information available about buying behavior across many, many channels constitutes real opportunities to engage potential buyers in different ways to drive revenue at every stage of the customer lifecycle at the right time.

We just need to invest in big data tools or databases for business intelligence, such asVectorwise from

Web 3.0 has to do with the increasing popularity of mobile Internet devices and the merger of entertainment systems and the Web. The Mobile Web 3.0 has elements that build upon prior eras, but it also has several distinct and different elements from what’s come before.

With Mobile Web 3.0, user experience capabilities open the door for another level of innovation in advertising and promotion. Now technology services have the ability to leverage not just the social graph data from Facebook, but even more real-time / real-world information. Your current location, weather, traffic, local merchants other friends nearby, how often you’ve been to this specific store or location are available (or will be soon). And this in turn provides a whole new level of commerce opportunities for potential advertisers.

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